The preferred reading is what the creator wants the audience to think about their advert. In this advert, the preferred reading is that Reebok is unique and it makes you a better person; I know this from the copy “I am what I am”. It is a bold statement which is written in bold writing so that it is clear and you can see it. The negotiated reading is a mixture between what the reader intends to portray and also a connotation that the reader didn't mean to give off to the audience, this could be a negative reading. Some people may say that it’s inspirational as there is a picture of 50 Cent and also a quote from him. However, he was involved in a lot of crime therefore, people could be influenced as he is well known for bad things as well as good things. The oppositional reading is the reading that the creator didn’t intend to make the reader think, this is negative. Some people may say that Reebok are promoting crime due to the finger prints as it connote criminality and anti-social behaviour. This could potentially influence the younger generation into thinking that illegal activities are cool.
The copy on this poster "have a break... have a kit kat" helps us to understand the preferred reading: kit kats help you to relax therefore, if you need a est with whatever you're doing, eating a kit kat ensures that you have a deserved break. The negotiated reading is that they help you to relax however, if you relax too much, you wont be able to get back to what you need to do. The oppositional reading is that this chocolate bar is able to totally distract you.
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